Top 10 Tourist Places visit/do in Odisha ओडिशा में प्रमुख 10 पर्यटन स्थल ( हिंदी में )

Top 10 Tourist Places visit/do in Odisha ओडिशा में प्रमुख 10 पर्यटन स्थल Top 10 Tourist Places of Odisha  भारत के पूर्वी तट पर स्थित ओडिशा प्राकृतिक सुंदरता , समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत और वास्तुशिल्प के चमत्कारों का खजाना है। अपने विविध परिदृश्यों, प्राचीन मंदिरों, अतुलनीय समुद्र तटों और वन्यजीव अभ्यारण्यों के साथ, ओडिशा एक अनूठा और समृद्ध यात्रा अनुभव प्रदान करता है। इस ब्लॉग  में, हम ओडिशा के प्रमुख 10 पर्यटन  स्थलों को जानेंगे  जो पर्यटकोंको यँहा आने को मजबूर कर  मंत्रमुग्ध कर देंगे। 10 ) Daringbadi दारिंगबाड़ी:(ଦାରିଙ୍ଗବାଡି |) "ओडिशा के कश्मीर" के रूप में जाना जाता है, दारिंगबाड़ी हरे-भरे घाटियों और कॉफी बागानों के बीच बसा एक खूबसूरत  हिल स्टेशन है।पर्यटक एक सुखद जलवायु का अनुभव कर सकते हैं, आश्चर्यजनक खूबसूरत  झरनों की यात्रा करें, और इस सुरम्य पहाड़ी रिट्रीट की शांति का आनंद लें। 9) Sambalpur संबलपुर:(ସମ୍ବଲପୁର) महानदी नदी के तट पर स्थित संबलपुर विश्व प्रसिद्ध संबलपुरी वस्त्र और भव्य समलेश्वरी मंदिर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। दुनिया के सबसे बड़े मिट्टी के ...



View From Nagarkhana

Shanivarwada is a symbol of a Maratha empire Which is located in Pune, Maharashtra. Which was built by Peshwa Bajirao I in 1730 on the banks of the Mutha River. It is believed that for the construction of this palace, an expenditure of Rs. 16,120 was incurred, which was a huge amount at that time. By the way, Shaniwarwada was a big seven-storey palace, historians believed that from the room of Bajirao Peshwa, the temple of Dyaneshwar Maharaj of Alandi was seen, which is 22 km from Shaniwarwada, and it is believed that there was 1000 together in Shaniwarwada it was possible for people to live. From this, the grandeur of Shaniwarwada can be gauged.

Delhi Gate

Five entrances have been made to enter Shaniwarwada, which are Delhi Burj, Mastani Darwaza (Alibhadur Darwaja), Narayana Darwaza (Jambul Darwaja) Ganesh Darwaja and Khadakhi Darwaza. Due to the fierce fire in the fort in 1726, this seven-storey palace was burnt to ashes and now only its fortification wall is left.


The Delhi Darwaza looks like the royal ambition of the Marathas, it is the largest door in this fort. During the enemy's attack, do not drop the elephant on this door, that's why an iron nail was placed on the door. Above the door is the municipality which was made from wood, from here the beautiful view of Shaniwarwada is visible.

View from Nagarkhan

Ganpati Rangmahal this place was made for the entertainment of Peshwao's, when the British officer Captain Mur visited the fort, he saw the hundred dancers dancing together It has been written in history. These dancers used to enter through the Ganesh door so that they could enter directly reach inside the Rang Mahal. A Ganesh temple was also built by the Peshwa outside this door.

Hzari Fountain

The Hazari Karanje  this Fountain was built for minor Peshwa Sawai Madhavrao, these fountains made in the petals of the sixteen Lotus flower, which used to blow eighty fit high water fountains. In front of Rang Mahal, a small garden was also built for Minor Peshwa Sawai Madhavrao.

Garden for Sawai Madhavrao Peshva

Apart from all this, Shanivarwada has other important building the residences of Bajirao Peshwa's residence, Raghunath Rao Peshwa's residence, the rooms of Peshwa's queens,  Arse Mahal etc are important.

In 1773, the then Peshwa Narayanrao was murdered by his uncle Raghunathrao from Gardiye at the age of eighteen years. Narayanrao kept hearing his uncle "Kaka Mala Vachwa" (uncle rescue me) for help, and the uncle did not listen. Narayanrao was killed, and it is believed that the soul of Narayanrao Peshwa still wanders in this fort and the echo of ''Kaka Mala Vachwa'' is still heard at Shanivarwada at night. That is why Shaniwarwada is considered one of the biggest haunted place of the country.

Light & Sound Show

Pune Municipal Corporation has given the facility of showing the history of Marathas through Light and Sound Show in Shanivarwada. 

Bajirao Peshva statue at Shanivar wada

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Top 10 Tourist Places visit/do in Odisha ओडिशा में प्रमुख 10 पर्यटन स्थल ( हिंदी में )

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