
जुलाई, 2020 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Top 10 Tourist Places visit/do in Odisha ओडिशा में प्रमुख 10 पर्यटन स्थल ( हिंदी में )

Top 10 Tourist Places visit/do in Odisha ओडिशा में प्रमुख 10 पर्यटन स्थल Top 10 Tourist Places of Odisha  भारत के पूर्वी तट पर स्थित ओडिशा प्राकृतिक सुंदरता , समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत और वास्तुशिल्प के चमत्कारों का खजाना है। अपने विविध परिदृश्यों, प्राचीन मंदिरों, अतुलनीय समुद्र तटों और वन्यजीव अभ्यारण्यों के साथ, ओडिशा एक अनूठा और समृद्ध यात्रा अनुभव प्रदान करता है। इस ब्लॉग  में, हम ओडिशा के प्रमुख 10 पर्यटन  स्थलों को जानेंगे  जो पर्यटकोंको यँहा आने को मजबूर कर  मंत्रमुग्ध कर देंगे। 10 ) Daringbadi दारिंगबाड़ी:(ଦାରିଙ୍ଗବାଡି |) "ओडिशा के कश्मीर" के रूप में जाना जाता है, दारिंगबाड़ी हरे-भरे घाटियों और कॉफी बागानों के बीच बसा एक खूबसूरत  हिल स्टेशन है।पर्यटक एक सुखद जलवायु का अनुभव कर सकते हैं, आश्चर्यजनक खूबसूरत  झरनों की यात्रा करें, और इस सुरम्य पहाड़ी रिट्रीट की शांति का आनंद लें। 9) Sambalpur संबलपुर:(ସମ୍ବଲପୁର) महानदी नदी के तट पर स्थित संबलपुर विश्व प्रसिद्ध संबलपुरी वस्त्र और भव्य समलेश्वरी मंदिर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। दुनिया के सबसे बड़े मिट्टी के ...

TOP 10 TOURIST DESTINATIONS OF TAMILNADU தமிழ்நாட்டின் முதல் 10 சுற்றுலா இடங்கள்

TOP 10 TOURIST DESTINATIONS OF TAMILNADU தமிழ்நாட்டின் முதல் 10 சுற்றுலா இடங்கள் Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu is the largest and important state of South India. Tamil Nadu is known worldwide for its temple architecture and rich in culture.Tamil Nadu is paradise for tourists. Tamil Nadu has beaches, beautiful and magnificent ancient temples, hill station,modern city,National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, so let us know in this blog the top ten places to visit in Tamil Nadu.  | 10 Chidambaram Natraja Chidambaram Tamilnadu Chidambaram is a pilgrimage town in Cuddalore district, located 216 km from Chennai and 179 km from Kanchipuram. Chidambaram is well known for the Nataraja Temple, it is one of the most famous pilgrimage centers in South India. The Chidambaram's Nataraja Temple was built during the 11th century and is one of the most famous Shaiva temples in South India. Lord Nataraja is the family deity of Vikram Chola (1128 CE) and his successors.The golden hall of ...


BADAMI CAVES  KARANATAKA Badami Caves Karnataka Badami was earlier known as Vatapi. Badami Caves is situated on a hill just 1 km away from Badami Town in Bagalkot district of Karnataka State. Badami was the capital of Chulakya empire from 570 to 658 and was also the royal residence of the Chalukyan kings.Badami  is divided into two divisions because of the Agastya lake Badami fort in the north Badami hill and the Badami Caves in the south. The construction of these caves took place between the sixth and seventh centuries the time of the Chalukyan king Kirtivarman and Manglesh, most of the caves were built in the year from 959 to 810 AD by king Manglesha.Three of the four caves are dedicated to Hindu and one cave to Jain Mahavira. Cave number 1 Lord Natraja Badami Caves,Karnataka Cave no 1 is a world famous for the 14-handed dance pose of Shiva (Natraja's) idol.This Nataraja idol is 5 feet long. Inside the cave are carved beautiful crafts of Bhuvarah, Mahi...


SOLAPUR FORT SOLAPUR MAHARASHTRA Solapur land Fort is one of the major and important fort of India.This fort spread over 23 acres which was built by the Bahmani kings in the fourteenth century. Thousands of tourists visit this fort every year.History says that this fort was built by the Bahmani kings in the 13th century along with this, the different dynasty's kings contributed themselves.  Inside this fort there is a Shiva temple time of the kings of the Chalukyas, it is believed that this temple was built by the great Shivayogi Siddheshwar Maharaj of the 16th century. The very beautiful Siddheshwar temple surrounded by water is visible from the main bastion of this fort. There is also an old mosque inside this fort which is also known by the name of 32 Khambhewali Masjid, in British times this mosque was used by the British to keep their weapons and ammunition. When Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb was campaign of his south, there is also evidence of staying in this f...


KANDHAR FORT, NANDED MAHARASHTRA Maharashtra is the land of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Shivaji Maharaj gave a lot of importance to the forts in order to protect his kingdom from the enemy. Maharashtra also has some important forts outside the Maratha empire of Chhatrapati Shivji Maharaj, whose importance is invaluable in  history of Maharashtra and country.Hello and welcome to our blog in today's blog, we are going to visit the Kandahar Fort in Nanded district Maharashtra. Kandahar is a beautiful important and a grand fort located in the Nanded district of Maharashtra, Kandahar is located only 45 km southwest from Nanded. Rashtrakuta king Krishna I started construction of this fort in 658, then Krishna III completed the construction of this fort in 961.This fort was ruled by the Rashtrakuta Yadav Chalukyas, the Nizam of Kakatiya, Tughlaq Ahmednagar, the Bahmani, the Mughals and finally the Nizams of Hyderabad.  Each ruler changed fort in his way and tried t...


RAMLING (WILD LIFE SANCTUARY) OSMANABAD MAHARASHTRA. Ramling is 20 km from Osmanabad City and 95 km from Beed. Ramling is beautiful (Nature) forest tourist attraction. The whole area is covered with dark green. After descending into the valley, one comes across the newly renovated Shiva Temple, Its carvings and statues of gods and goddesses on the walls attract attention of all visitors. There is a beautiful brass carved Nandi facing the shiva temple. I used to visit Mahadev in a peaceful atmosphere and turn my steps towards the green path again. I love the river that runs around the temple. In front of Shiva's temple, there is a tomb behind Nandi, It depicts a party with two men holding hands. Jatayu was wounded in the battle between Ravana and Jatayu. Rama shot an arrow here to bring water  for wounded Jatayu. So a cave was formed there and water started flowing from there. This is where Jatayu died. Legend has it that this tomb belongs to the Jatayu bird. ...


Places to visit in Mahabalipuram Tamil Nadu. Mahabalipuram is one of the most popular tourist and religious sites in India. Mahabalipuram is an ancient city and port located on the Coromandel Coast 58 km south of Chennai the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu, which was ruled by the Pallava kingdoms from the 3rd century to the 8th century AD. The city was named after the great Danavir Asura king Mahabali. The Pallava king Narasimha Varman, who was also known as 'Mamalla' had named Mahabalipuram as Mamallapuram. This place is popular today knwon as Mamlapuram. The Pallava kings built temples in Mahabalipuram in the seventh and eighth centuries in south Indian style. These temples are considered to be the most developed form of Dravidian architecture. These temples are built by Pallava Naresh Narasimha Varman and Mahendra Varman. There are five groups of temples of Mahabalipuram which were included by UNESCO in their list of World Heritage Sites in 1979. ...